The law firm Maturana-Nuñez specialises in commercial litigation and other types of dispute resolution. The focus here is on sales and trade, corporate, banking and property law cases as well as on legal disputes relating to complex commercial contracts.
The litigation-related activity of the firm involves more than just the judicial proceedings and begins in the run-up to possible legal action. The services offered include the full clarification of the relevant facts, an honest and realistic opportunity and risk analysis as well as advice on the right strategy, also taking into account public relations.
Clearly, a court case ties up client resources that could be used more effectively for their business operations. For this reason, to find a way to achieve the clients’ goals without going to court, is always intended. Should judicial proceedings nevertheless be unavoidable, they will be conducted with full commitment and in close consultation with the client.
Convincing written submissions are decisive for success in court. The law firm Maturana-Nuñez does not confine itself to merely clarifying the facts while leaving the legal findings to the court. On the contrary, we present a comprehensive view of the legal situation so that our written submission can serve as a model for the court’s decision. In order to maximise the chances of success, obscure and complex facts are made tangible and thus easy to understand. We avoid artificially inflated written submissions; in most cases, these only serve to maximise a lawyer’s profit and can reduce the chances of success. No court enjoys having to wade through multi-page statements that are not relevant to the outcome of the dispute.
This approach has proven successful in numerous cases. In this respect, reference can be made to extensive litigation experience.